Hello there!

My name is _Lasar

and this is my personal homepage. It is mainly a list of links to things that I made or am involved in. To be honest the primary target audience is me, to know about the things on my digital plate.


Your best bet to reach me is by email at lasar@liepins.net. And if you know me, you know which messaging services we can use.

Elsewhere on the net

My current public/social media presence is minimal and not worth mentioning.

NowProjects on top of the pile1 / 6

Private Projects

Mostly on hold.


My current company for software development.


Selling tiny forks. Also ducks.

Private Projects2 / 6


I blog about new music finds at audio.country.


At days-on-earth.com you can select your date of birth - or any other date - and it will show you how many days you have been on this earth. There's an API too.


I have collected a number of my late father's writings at tira-latvija.lv.


Blackbar - Unredacted is a walkthrough for the iOS game Blackbar.


Once in a while I poke at a game I'm building, nicknamed Dejection. It's a recreation of a weird little freeware game I used to play on my dad's Mac SE.


Another link-blogging experiment I called "Strange Days" ran on the app.net social network, which is gone now. I hope to resurrect it as some form of microblog.


I'm also doing some light Arduino-based hardware tinkering. Nothing much to write home about yet, but I hope to do more of that. Some day.


Then there's w42.de, which was my very first domain name.


I also created way too many in-joke sites for the #m crowd. If you don't know what that is, that's fine. placeholduhr.com, orangezebrowitz.com, All Your Pants, ataricamo.com, banana-phone.org, happybirthdaykitten.com and crashnet.org are preserved mostly for my own amusement.

Open Sourceand public things3 / 6


I build and maintain a few tiny - and not particularly interesting to the general public - open source projects


dynalist-js - A Node.JS client for Dynalist. I am also working on a few projects based on/adjacent to this.


sips-node - A Node.js wrapper for the sips command that comes with Mac OS X for querying and modifying images.


config-json - A simple Node.js class for accessing JSON configuration files.


Extenderball - Very flexible extendable JS objects.


ipv46.net - A simple "what's my IP" service

Work: Version3Software development4 / 6


My new main business is Version3 for all manners of software development services, with a focus on web based technologies. Next to websites, eCommerce solutions and web apps of all shapes and sizes there are also mobile and desktop apps as well als some IoT development in there.


While the current workload consists entirely of customer projects, some self-owned products are in the works.

Work: neonquelle UGReal products5 / 6


In 2017 we started a second company called neonquelle for our non-software side projects. More products are in the works, some more realistic than others.


Metalgabel is our take on the disposable fork you get with fries, but made of steel.


Debug Duck is a facilitator for rubber duck debugging.

Work: liepins.net GbR6 / 6


We have made the decision to wrap up this company at the end of 2020. Most projects will transition to Version 3. Existing projects will of course continue to be serviced.


ios-resolution.com aims to be a one-stop info resource on iPhone and iPad display sizes, both physical and technical.


markdown.de is a German translation of the original Markdown specification.